Sublingual Vitamin B12

Different types of sublingual vitamin B12

Sublingual vitamin B12 tablets are supplements that you take to treat vitamin B12 deficiency. Instead of swallowing them, as with vitamin pills, you place a sublingual vitamin B12 lozenge under your tongue and allow it to dissolve slowly. It’s imperative that you don’t chew a sublingual vitamin B12, as it must enter your bloodstream through the veins under your tongue, and not go through your digestive tract.

Another form of sublingual vitamin B12 is in liquid form, consisting of drops that you squeeze under your tongue. Like the sublingual vitamin B12 tablets, the liquid vitamin B12 sublingual drops must also linger in your mouth for a while for maximum benefits.

In a pinch, you can also take a liquid vitamin B12 gel capsule, pierce it with a needle, and squirt a few drops under your tongue, if sublingual vitamin B12 tablets or bottles are unavailable.

Why use sublingual vitamin B12?

Sublingual vitamin B12 is a popular alternative for people who can’t digest vitamin B12 from food sources, and don’t wish to receive vitamin B12 injections.

When used as instructed, sublingual vitamin B12 tablets pass through the mucous under your tongue and instantly enter your blood stream. However, if you chew on a sublingual vitamin B12 tablet absentmindedly, it will instead slide down your throat and go through the digestive system, and won’t provide the same benefits.

Often, people who must take sublingual vitamin B12 in order to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency need to take doses two or three times per day. Side effects of sublingual vitamin B12 may include burning sensations and unpleasant taste.

Does sublingual vitamin B12 work?

The effectiveness of sublingual vitamin B12 is under debate, as many doctors claim that most forms of sublingual vitamin B12 tablets are indigestible, difficult to administer properly, and of poor quality.

As mentioned earlier, it is crucial that you allow sublingual vitamin B12 to rest under your tongue for a prolonged period, or else you won’t get the benefits. Some people are unable to let a sublingual vitamin B12 lozenge linger in their mouth without chewing it. For them, sublingual vitamin B12 tablets are not a good option.

Also, it’s important that you seek quality sublingual vitamin B12, as there exists many on the market that are inferior and poorly absorbed into the bloodstream.

If sublingual vitamin B12 drops or tablets fail to reverse symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, then other forms of over-the-counter (OTC) vitamin B12 are available without prescription