4 Ways to Energize your Brain

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Want to stop feeling fatigued, out-of-focus and absentminded? The key is to energize your brain by feeding it nutrients you need for cognitive health, stamina, and neurological excellence. Here are 4 sure-fire ways to improve your mental skills, lift your mood, and increase productivity.

4 Ways to Energize your Brain- B12 Patch

Spice it up!

For hundreds of years, traditional herbalists have been using turmeric to boost energy, maintain healthy circulation, and prevent age-related dementia. The secret is its active ingredient, curcumin, which benefits your brain in many ways:

  • Curcumin promotes growth of new brain cells while also enhancing neurological integrity. By increasing brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), this famous mustard-yellow curry spice improves your learning curve, instills a sense of well-being, wards off depression, and energizes your brain cells.
  • Curcumin also increases your level of serotonin and dopamine; neurotransmitters that make you feel good.
  • Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant that improves your brain’s response to inflammation.

Boost Energy Now! 20 Practical Tips for Fighting Fatigue

Fuel your brain!

Citicoline is gathering a lot of attention in the medical world for its ability to prevent dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. This powerful brain energizer is used to treat cognitive disorders, such as age-related memory loss, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), and other conditions resulting from poor circulation in the brain. A vital brain chemical, citicoline is produced naturally, but can also be supplemented in doses, as advised by your doctor.

4 Ways to Energize your Brain

Buy citicoline from our Amazon store!

Eat breakfast!

In a UK study of 1,386 school children between the ages of 6 and 16 years of age, scientists noted a strong correlation between cognitive skills and breakfast. In their research, participants who ate breakfast made fewer mistakes in a mental acuity test, and were able to remain attentive longer than others. On the other hand, students who failed to eat even a light breakfast that day made frequent errors, had difficulty concentrating, and exhibited flagging energy levels throughout the day.

Get your B12!

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that is vital for metabolic energy, cognitive integrity, and neurological functioning. Low levels of vitamin B12 strongly correlate with depression, fatigue, memory loss, and age-related dementia.

  • Vitamin B12 helps to support myelin production, a fatty sheath that protects your nerve cells and enhances communication with the brain. Vitamin B12 deficiency often results in delayed nervous impulses, neuropathic pain in the hands and feet, and difficulty controlling arm and leg movements.
  • Also, vitamin B12 maintains healthy red blood cell production. Without enough B12 in your system, reduced oxygen levels resulting from insufficient hemoglobin cause symptoms such as low energy, panting, brain fog, poor concentration, and memory problems.
  • To treat vitamin B12 deficiency, make sure you’re getting between 1,000-5,000 micrograms of cobalamin per shot, or an equal amount in over-the-counter (OTC) vitamin B12 supplements. If necessary, it is perfectly safe to supplement with extra vitamin B12 while also receiving regular vitamin B12 shots.

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Breakfast is associated with enhanced cognitive function in schoolchildren. An internet based study.

Curcumin reverses corticosterone-induced depressive-like behavior and decrease in brain BDNF levels in rats.

Vitamin B: A Key to Energy

Image(s) courtesy of farconville/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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